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GO-LO aims to provide sustainable nutrition solutions that help people live better for longer. Our products are very specific in terms of a unique and specialised formula which allows you to maintain a healthy balanced lifestyle as well as improve weight loss. The nutrition solution for a sustainable lifestyle.


4 Ways to Make Your Low-Carb Diet Easier

While the benefits far outweigh the challenges, following a low-carb diet can be tricky, especially when you are just starting out. Getting through those first few weeks is tough, but it does get better. We share 4 ways to make your low-carb diet easier.

Make Use of Apps

These days we can use our smartphones for pretty much anything, including making our lives easier when it comes to following our low-carb diets. Most apps will make you start by registering your height, weight and your health-related goals and create a personalized algorithm just for you. They make sticking to your diet and achieving those goals easier and are great for keeping track of what you are eating. We love Carb Manager as it has one of the most comprehensive databases of foods and their carb counts, as well as some delicious recipes.

Organization is Key!

Sticking to a low-carb diet requires meal planning, so if you are not organized then sticking to your diet becomes even more difficult. But it’s a new year, so why not try and improve those organization skills in the interest of leading a healthier lifestyle? Taking some time to plan and make your meals over the weekend will save you during the week. Decide on your meals and create a shopping list to help make sure you buy everything you need. Golo’s online store will deliver low-carb goods to your home or office, which is even easier than visiting the shops.

Select the Right Resources and Recipes

The internet makes it possible to have access to a wide range of resources and recipes for low-carb living. Choosing the right resources, and recipes, can be tough with so many options to choose from. We suggest also visiting your local bookstore for more recipe books and resources that you can access without having to go online. Find recipes that work for you and fit into your lifestyle.

Have the Right Equipment

The right tools make the job so much easier! We suggest a few items that will come in handy when sticking to your low-carb diet here:

  • Food storage containers: These are a must when food prepping and make it easy to take your meals with you when you go to work.
  • A good blender: This will be useful for making Golo low-carb smoothies that can serve as snacks or meals.
  • Kitchen essentials: These include measuring spoons, decent knives, chopping boards, decent pots and pans, and they will help you prep all your meals and cook them to perfection.

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